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LCI Group, specializes in professional training and business management consulting, We operate in a highly competitive field , where our development and sustainability depends on our ability to meet the demands and expectations of our clients and other interested parties.

In order for us to strengthen our position in the market, we must focus on continuously improving our performance to our clients.

Therefore, LCI training and consulting  implements a quality management system according to the ISO 9001 standard, based on a “process” approach, which is essential to gain market recognition and genuine customer loyalty.

In this regard, our quality policy revolves around the following strategic objectives:

• Meeting the requirements and expectations of relevant interested parties;

• Becoming a leader in the training sector;

• Strengthening innovative pedagogical practices;

• Reinforcing and diversifying partnerships with businesses.

With the contribution and commitment of my collaborators, I will ensure that this quality policy is adhered to.

In this regard, I commit to providing all necessary means and resources to implement our quality policy and to regard continuous improvement of our system and compliance with applicable requirements as fundamental elements