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About Us

Founded by Dr. Zine El Abidine HAMDI CHERIF in 2014, LCI Training and Consulting is a private institute that has earned a reputation for its dedication to excellence in training and consulting.

The company is ISO 9001:2015 certified by AFAQ AFNOR International, under the certification number 94219, signifying its adherence to international standards of quality management.

LCI is a leader in inter-company and intra-company training programs, covering a vast array of disciplines. With our innovative business consulting services, we empower companies to reach new heights in their industries.

Furthermore, LCI is a certified international examination center, authorized to administer prestigious assessments like TFI, TOEIC, TOEFL Junior, CERT, and Bright, providing our clients with a competitive edge in the global marketplace.

LCI, short for “Land of Creativity and Instruction,” is fueled by a young, vibrant and passionate team that prioritizes collaboration and teamwork. This culture of vitality and reliability forms the foundation of LCI’s achievements.

Additionally, LCI holds a license from the Ministry of Tourism, granting it the authority to operate as the “ZINE EL ABIDINE Travel Agency,” under license number 2329. This official endorsement enables LCI to organize and manage events on an international scale, further showcasing its versatile capabilities.

LCI’s commitment to quality, extensive expertise, and dedicated team makes it a reliable partner for training, consulting, and international event coordination.